WHO Case Reporting for COVID-19 Surveillance
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO Case Reporting for COVID-19 Surveillance - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: 2020-02-27 Data Dictionary

Defining URL:http://openhie.github.io/covid-19/StructureDefinition/WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary
Status:Draft as of 2021-02-11T17:12:53+00:00


Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

The official URL for this profile is:


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Element


Mandatory: 0 element (1 nested mandatory element)

This structure is derived from Element

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary 0..*ElementBase for all elements
... report 0..1BackboneElementAttributes of the case report
.... date 0..1dateDate of reporting
.... country 0..1CodeableConceptReporting country (admin level 0)
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
.... testReason 0..1CodeableConceptWhy the case was tested for COVID-19
Binding: Reason for Covid-19 Testing (extensible)
... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementCase patient demographics
.... caseId 0..1IdentifierCountry case ID
.... onsetAge 0..1AgeAge
.... birthSex 0..1CodingSex at birth
Binding: Patient Sex at birth (required)
.... identified 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the diagnosis of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) where the case was diagnosed
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
..... subnational 0..1CodeableConceptProvince, state, canton, etc. (admin level 1) where the case was diagnosed.
Binding: List of Administrative Level 1 Names (Province/State/Canton) (extensible)
.... residence 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the residence of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) of residence
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
... clinicalStatus 0..1BackboneElementClinical status of the case on admission
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementDetails of case lab testing
..... confirmedDate 0..1dateDate of first laboratory confirmation
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the course of treatment of the case
..... onsetDate 0..1dateDate of onset of first symptoms
..... asymptomatic 0..1CodingPatient asymptomatic at time of specimen collection
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasAdmitted 0..1Codingadmission to hospital?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateFor this episode, date first admitted in hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasIsolated 0..1CodingWas the case isolated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... isolatedDate 0..1datedate of isolation
.... comorbidities 0..1BackboneElementConditions and co-morbidities of the case
..... any 0..1CodingDoes the patient have any underlying conditions?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... present 1..*CodeableConceptCo-morbidity or condition present
Binding: Comorbidity (extensible)
..... pregnantTrimester 0..1CodingTrimester of pregancy
Binding: Pregnancy Trimester (required)
.... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementDetails of patient related to exposure
..... hcw 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient healthcare employment details
...... isHealthcareWorker 0..1CodingHealth care worker
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
...... workFacility 0..*BackboneElementHealthcare worker facility details
....... country 0..1CodeableConceptHealthcare worker country
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
....... city 0..1stringHealthcare worker city
....... facilityName 0..1stringHealthcare worker facility name
.... travel 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient travel details
..... hasTravelled 0..1CodingHas the patient travelled in the 14 days prior to symptom onset?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... location 0..*BackboneElementLocations of travel
...... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry travelled to
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
...... city 0..1stringCity travelled to
...... locationPeriod 0..1PeriodDates at location (including date of departure)
.... visitedHealthcare 0..1CodingHas the patient visited any health care facilities in the 14 days prior to symptom onset
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... contact 0..1BackboneElementPatient exposure to confirmed cases
..... hadContact 0..1CodingHas the patient had contact with a confirmed case?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... contact 0..*BackboneElementConfirmed case contact
...... identifier 0..1IdentifierID number of confirmed case
...... exposure 0..*BackboneElementDetails of exposure to confirmed case
....... period 0..1PeriodDates of exposure to confirmed case
....... setting 0..1stringExplain contact setting
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptLikely country for exposure to case?
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
... outcome 0..1BackboneElementPatient outcome
.... submitted 0..1CodeableConceptHas the outcome section been submitted?
Binding: Report Submitted Yes/No/Partial (required)
.... submissionDate 0..1dateDate of outcome submission
.... symptomatic 0..1CodingAsymptomatic case developed symptoms
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... symptomaticDate 0..1dateDate case developed symptoms
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the outcome of the patient course of treatment
..... wasAdmitted 0..1CodingPatient was admitted to hospital
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateDate patient admitted to hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... status 0..1CodeableConceptPatient status (outcome)
Binding: Patient Outcome (extensible)
..... statusDate 0..1dateDate of patient release or date of death
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementIf released, details of last laboratory test
..... date 0..1dateDate of last laboratory test
..... result 0..1CodingResult of last test
Binding: Test Result (required)
.... contacts 0..1BackboneElementHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... count 0..1unsignedIntHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... countUnknown 0..1CodingNumber of high risk contacts followed unknown
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary 0..*ElementBase for all elements
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... report 0..1BackboneElementAttributes of the case report
.... date 0..1dateDate of reporting
.... country 0..1CodeableConceptReporting country (admin level 0)
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
.... testReason 0..1CodeableConceptWhy the case was tested for COVID-19
Binding: Reason for Covid-19 Testing (extensible)
... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementCase patient demographics
.... caseId 0..1IdentifierCountry case ID
.... onsetAge 0..1AgeAge
.... birthSex 0..1CodingSex at birth
Binding: Patient Sex at birth (required)
.... identified 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the diagnosis of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) where the case was diagnosed
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
..... subnational 0..1CodeableConceptProvince, state, canton, etc. (admin level 1) where the case was diagnosed.
Binding: List of Administrative Level 1 Names (Province/State/Canton) (extensible)
.... residence 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the residence of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) of residence
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementDetails of case lab testing
..... confirmedDate 0..1dateDate of first laboratory confirmation
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the course of treatment of the case
..... onsetDate 0..1dateDate of onset of first symptoms
..... asymptomatic 0..1CodingPatient asymptomatic at time of specimen collection
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasAdmitted 0..1Codingadmission to hospital?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateFor this episode, date first admitted in hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasIsolated 0..1CodingWas the case isolated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... isolatedDate 0..1datedate of isolation
.... comorbidities 0..1BackboneElementConditions and co-morbidities of the case
..... any 0..1CodingDoes the patient have any underlying conditions?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... present 1..*CodeableConceptCo-morbidity or condition present
Binding: Comorbidity (extensible)
..... pregnantTrimester 0..1CodingTrimester of pregancy
Binding: Pregnancy Trimester (required)
... exposure 0..1BackboneElementPotential exposure
.... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementDetails of patient related to exposure
..... hcw 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient healthcare employment details
...... isHealthcareWorker 0..1CodingHealth care worker
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
...... workFacility 0..*BackboneElementHealthcare worker facility details
....... country 0..1CodeableConceptHealthcare worker country
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
....... city 0..1stringHealthcare worker city
....... facilityName 0..1stringHealthcare worker facility name
.... travel 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient travel details
..... hasTravelled 0..1CodingHas the patient travelled in the 14 days prior to symptom onset?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... location 0..*BackboneElementLocations of travel
...... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry travelled to
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
...... city 0..1stringCity travelled to
...... locationPeriod 0..1PeriodDates at location (including date of departure)
.... visitedHealthcare 0..1CodingHas the patient visited any health care facilities in the 14 days prior to symptom onset
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... contact 0..1BackboneElementPatient exposure to confirmed cases
..... hadContact 0..1CodingHas the patient had contact with a confirmed case?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... contact 0..*BackboneElementConfirmed case contact
...... identifier 0..1IdentifierID number of confirmed case
...... exposure 0..*BackboneElementDetails of exposure to confirmed case
....... period 0..1PeriodDates of exposure to confirmed case
....... setting 0..1stringExplain contact setting
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptLikely country for exposure to case?
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
... outcome 0..1BackboneElementPatient outcome
.... submitted 0..1CodeableConceptHas the outcome section been submitted?
Binding: Report Submitted Yes/No/Partial (required)
.... submissionDate 0..1dateDate of outcome submission
.... symptomatic 0..1CodingAsymptomatic case developed symptoms
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... symptomaticDate 0..1dateDate case developed symptoms
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the outcome of the patient course of treatment
..... wasAdmitted 0..1CodingPatient was admitted to hospital
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateDate patient admitted to hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... status 0..1CodeableConceptPatient status (outcome)
Binding: Patient Outcome (extensible)
..... statusDate 0..1dateDate of patient release or date of death
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementIf released, details of last laboratory test
..... date 0..1dateDate of last laboratory test
..... result 0..1CodingResult of last test
Binding: Test Result (required)
.... contacts 0..1BackboneElementHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... count 0..1unsignedIntHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... countUnknown 0..1CodingNumber of high risk contacts followed unknown
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)

doco Documentation for this format

This structure is derived from Element


Mandatory: 0 element (1 nested mandatory element)

Differential View

This structure is derived from Element

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary 0..*ElementBase for all elements
... report 0..1BackboneElementAttributes of the case report
.... date 0..1dateDate of reporting
.... country 0..1CodeableConceptReporting country (admin level 0)
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
.... testReason 0..1CodeableConceptWhy the case was tested for COVID-19
Binding: Reason for Covid-19 Testing (extensible)
... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementCase patient demographics
.... caseId 0..1IdentifierCountry case ID
.... onsetAge 0..1AgeAge
.... birthSex 0..1CodingSex at birth
Binding: Patient Sex at birth (required)
.... identified 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the diagnosis of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) where the case was diagnosed
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
..... subnational 0..1CodeableConceptProvince, state, canton, etc. (admin level 1) where the case was diagnosed.
Binding: List of Administrative Level 1 Names (Province/State/Canton) (extensible)
.... residence 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the residence of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) of residence
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
... clinicalStatus 0..1BackboneElementClinical status of the case on admission
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementDetails of case lab testing
..... confirmedDate 0..1dateDate of first laboratory confirmation
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the course of treatment of the case
..... onsetDate 0..1dateDate of onset of first symptoms
..... asymptomatic 0..1CodingPatient asymptomatic at time of specimen collection
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasAdmitted 0..1Codingadmission to hospital?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateFor this episode, date first admitted in hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasIsolated 0..1CodingWas the case isolated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... isolatedDate 0..1datedate of isolation
.... comorbidities 0..1BackboneElementConditions and co-morbidities of the case
..... any 0..1CodingDoes the patient have any underlying conditions?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... present 1..*CodeableConceptCo-morbidity or condition present
Binding: Comorbidity (extensible)
..... pregnantTrimester 0..1CodingTrimester of pregancy
Binding: Pregnancy Trimester (required)
.... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementDetails of patient related to exposure
..... hcw 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient healthcare employment details
...... isHealthcareWorker 0..1CodingHealth care worker
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
...... workFacility 0..*BackboneElementHealthcare worker facility details
....... country 0..1CodeableConceptHealthcare worker country
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
....... city 0..1stringHealthcare worker city
....... facilityName 0..1stringHealthcare worker facility name
.... travel 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient travel details
..... hasTravelled 0..1CodingHas the patient travelled in the 14 days prior to symptom onset?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... location 0..*BackboneElementLocations of travel
...... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry travelled to
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
...... city 0..1stringCity travelled to
...... locationPeriod 0..1PeriodDates at location (including date of departure)
.... visitedHealthcare 0..1CodingHas the patient visited any health care facilities in the 14 days prior to symptom onset
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... contact 0..1BackboneElementPatient exposure to confirmed cases
..... hadContact 0..1CodingHas the patient had contact with a confirmed case?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... contact 0..*BackboneElementConfirmed case contact
...... identifier 0..1IdentifierID number of confirmed case
...... exposure 0..*BackboneElementDetails of exposure to confirmed case
....... period 0..1PeriodDates of exposure to confirmed case
....... setting 0..1stringExplain contact setting
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptLikely country for exposure to case?
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
... outcome 0..1BackboneElementPatient outcome
.... submitted 0..1CodeableConceptHas the outcome section been submitted?
Binding: Report Submitted Yes/No/Partial (required)
.... submissionDate 0..1dateDate of outcome submission
.... symptomatic 0..1CodingAsymptomatic case developed symptoms
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... symptomaticDate 0..1dateDate case developed symptoms
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the outcome of the patient course of treatment
..... wasAdmitted 0..1CodingPatient was admitted to hospital
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateDate patient admitted to hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... status 0..1CodeableConceptPatient status (outcome)
Binding: Patient Outcome (extensible)
..... statusDate 0..1dateDate of patient release or date of death
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementIf released, details of last laboratory test
..... date 0..1dateDate of last laboratory test
..... result 0..1CodingResult of last test
Binding: Test Result (required)
.... contacts 0..1BackboneElementHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... count 0..1unsignedIntHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... countUnknown 0..1CodingNumber of high risk contacts followed unknown
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)

doco Documentation for this format

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary 0..*ElementBase for all elements
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... report 0..1BackboneElementAttributes of the case report
.... date 0..1dateDate of reporting
.... country 0..1CodeableConceptReporting country (admin level 0)
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
.... testReason 0..1CodeableConceptWhy the case was tested for COVID-19
Binding: Reason for Covid-19 Testing (extensible)
... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementCase patient demographics
.... caseId 0..1IdentifierCountry case ID
.... onsetAge 0..1AgeAge
.... birthSex 0..1CodingSex at birth
Binding: Patient Sex at birth (required)
.... identified 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the diagnosis of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) where the case was diagnosed
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
..... subnational 0..1CodeableConceptProvince, state, canton, etc. (admin level 1) where the case was diagnosed.
Binding: List of Administrative Level 1 Names (Province/State/Canton) (extensible)
.... residence 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the residence of the case
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry (admin level 0) of residence
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementDetails of case lab testing
..... confirmedDate 0..1dateDate of first laboratory confirmation
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the course of treatment of the case
..... onsetDate 0..1dateDate of onset of first symptoms
..... asymptomatic 0..1CodingPatient asymptomatic at time of specimen collection
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasAdmitted 0..1Codingadmission to hospital?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateFor this episode, date first admitted in hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... wasIsolated 0..1CodingWas the case isolated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... isolatedDate 0..1datedate of isolation
.... comorbidities 0..1BackboneElementConditions and co-morbidities of the case
..... any 0..1CodingDoes the patient have any underlying conditions?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... present 1..*CodeableConceptCo-morbidity or condition present
Binding: Comorbidity (extensible)
..... pregnantTrimester 0..1CodingTrimester of pregancy
Binding: Pregnancy Trimester (required)
... exposure 0..1BackboneElementPotential exposure
.... patientInfo 0..1BackboneElementDetails of patient related to exposure
..... hcw 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient healthcare employment details
...... isHealthcareWorker 0..1CodingHealth care worker
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
...... workFacility 0..*BackboneElementHealthcare worker facility details
....... country 0..1CodeableConceptHealthcare worker country
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
....... city 0..1stringHealthcare worker city
....... facilityName 0..1stringHealthcare worker facility name
.... travel 0..1BackboneElementExposure via patient travel details
..... hasTravelled 0..1CodingHas the patient travelled in the 14 days prior to symptom onset?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... location 0..*BackboneElementLocations of travel
...... country 0..1CodeableConceptCountry travelled to
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
...... city 0..1stringCity travelled to
...... locationPeriod 0..1PeriodDates at location (including date of departure)
.... visitedHealthcare 0..1CodingHas the patient visited any health care facilities in the 14 days prior to symptom onset
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... contact 0..1BackboneElementPatient exposure to confirmed cases
..... hadContact 0..1CodingHas the patient had contact with a confirmed case?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... contact 0..*BackboneElementConfirmed case contact
...... identifier 0..1IdentifierID number of confirmed case
...... exposure 0..*BackboneElementDetails of exposure to confirmed case
....... period 0..1PeriodDates of exposure to confirmed case
....... setting 0..1stringExplain contact setting
..... country 0..1CodeableConceptLikely country for exposure to case?
Binding: Iso3166-1-2 (extensible)
... outcome 0..1BackboneElementPatient outcome
.... submitted 0..1CodeableConceptHas the outcome section been submitted?
Binding: Report Submitted Yes/No/Partial (required)
.... submissionDate 0..1dateDate of outcome submission
.... symptomatic 0..1CodingAsymptomatic case developed symptoms
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
.... symptomaticDate 0..1dateDate case developed symptoms
.... patientCourse 0..1BackboneElementDetails of the outcome of the patient course of treatment
..... wasAdmitted 0..1CodingPatient was admitted to hospital
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... admitDate 0..1dateDate patient admitted to hospital
..... receivedIcuCare 0..1CodingDid the patient receive care in an ICU?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... ventilated 0..1CodingWas the patient ventilated?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... receivedEcmo 0..1CodingDid the patient receive ECMO?
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)
..... status 0..1CodeableConceptPatient status (outcome)
Binding: Patient Outcome (extensible)
..... statusDate 0..1dateDate of patient release or date of death
.... lab 0..1BackboneElementIf released, details of last laboratory test
..... date 0..1dateDate of last laboratory test
..... result 0..1CodingResult of last test
Binding: Test Result (required)
.... contacts 0..1BackboneElementHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... count 0..1unsignedIntHigh risk contacts followed from case
..... countUnknown 0..1CodingNumber of high risk contacts followed unknown
Binding: Yes/No/Unknown (required)

doco Documentation for this format


Terminology Bindings



ele-1WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionaryAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary.extensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary.extensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()