WHO Case Reporting for COVID-19 Surveillance
0.1.0 - ci-build
WHO Case Reporting for COVID-19 Surveillance - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions
Mappings for the WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary logical model.
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | 2020-02-27-data-dictionary-en.xlsx | |
report | TODO | |
date | report_date | |
country | report_country | |
testReason | report_test_reason, report_test_reason_other | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | patinfo_ID | |
onsetAge | patinfo_ageonset, patinfo_ageonsetunits | |
birthSex | patinfo_sex | |
identified | TODO | |
country | patinfo_idadmin0 | |
subnational | patinfo_idadmin1 | |
residence | TODO | |
country | patinfo_resadmin0 | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | Lab_date1 | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | patcourse_dateonset | |
asymptomatic | patcourse_asymp | |
wasAdmitted | patcourse_admit | |
admitDate | patcourse_presHCF | |
receivedIcuCare | patcourse_icu | |
ventilated | patcourse_vent | |
receivedEcmo | patcourse_ecmo | |
wasIsolated | patcourse_iso | |
isolatedDate | patcourse_dateiso | |
comorbidities | patcourse_dateiso | |
any | Comcond_present | |
present | Comcond_preg, Comcond_partum, Comcond_immuno, Comcond_cardi, Comcond_diabetes, Comcond_liver, Comcond_diabetes, Comcond_renal, Comcond_neuro, Comcond_malig, Comcond_lung, Comcond_other | |
pregnantTrimester | Comcond_pregt | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | patinfo_occuhcw | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | patinfo_occuhcw_country | |
city | patinfo_occuhcw_city | |
facilityName | patinfo_occuhcw_name | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | expo_travel | |
location | TODO | |
country | expo_travel_countryX | |
city | expo_travel_cityX | |
locationPeriod | expo_travel_dateX | |
visitedHealthcare | expo_visit_healthcare | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | expo_contact_case | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | expo_IDx | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | expo_case_date_firstX, expo_case_date_lastX | |
setting | expo_case_setting_detail | |
country | expo_case_location | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | outcome_submitted | |
submissionDate | outcome_submitted_date | |
symptomatic | outcome_asymp | |
symptomaticDate | outcome_asymp_date | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | outcome_patcourse_admit | |
admitDate | outcome_patcourse_presHCF | |
receivedIcuCare | outcome_patcourse_icu | |
ventilated | outcome_patcourse_vent | |
receivedEcmo | outcome_patcourse_ecmo | |
status | outcome_patcourse_status_other | |
statusDate | outcome_date_of_outcome | |
lab | TODO | |
date | outcome_lab_date | |
result | outcome_lab_result | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | outcome_contacts_followed | |
countUnknown | outcome_contacts_followed_unknown |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | TODO | |
report | TODO | |
date | 77995-9 | |
country | 77983-5 | |
testReason | 67098-4 | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | 94659-0 | |
onsetAge | 30525-0 | |
birthSex | 76689-9 | |
identified | TODO | |
country | 96546-7 | |
subnational | 96547-5 | |
residence | TODO | |
country | 77983-5 | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | 65222-2 | |
asymptomatic | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | 77974-4 | |
admitDate | 8656-1 | |
receivedIcuCare | 95420-6 | |
ventilated | 96539-2 | |
receivedEcmo | 96540-0 | |
wasIsolated | 96548-3 | |
isolatedDate | 96549-1 | |
comorbidities | TODO | |
any | 75618-9 | |
present | TODO | |
pregnantTrimester | 32418-6 | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | 95418-0 | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | 80437-7 | |
city | 80431-0 | |
facilityName | 76696-4 | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | 96542-6 | |
location | TODO | |
country | 94651-7 | |
city | 94653-3 | |
locationPeriod | 91560-3 | |
visitedHealthcare | 96543-4 | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | 96544-2 | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | 94657-4 | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | 96545-9 | |
setting | 81267-7 | |
country | 77984-3 | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | TODO | |
submissionDate | 96553-3 | |
symptomatic | TODO | |
symptomaticDate | 65222-2 | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | 77974-4 | |
admitDate | 8656-1 | |
receivedIcuCare | 95420-6 | |
ventilated | 96539-2 | |
receivedEcmo | 96540-0 | |
status | 91541-3 | |
statusDate | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
date | 96550-9 | |
result | 96552-5 | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | 96551-7 | |
countUnknown | 96551-7 |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | TODO | |
report | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
country | 165847 | |
testReason | 164126, 163761 | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | TODO | |
onsetAge | 1732 | |
birthSex | 166025 | |
identified | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
subnational | 165851 | |
residence | TODO | |
country | 165915 | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | TODO | |
asymptomatic | 5006 | |
wasAdmitted | 163403 | |
admitDate | 1640 | |
receivedIcuCare | 165644 | |
ventilated | 165647 | |
receivedEcmo | 165643 | |
wasIsolated | 165795 | |
isolatedDate | 165648 | |
comorbidities | TODO | |
any | 162747 | |
present | TODO | |
pregnantTrimester | 160665 | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | 5619 | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | 165655 | |
city | 165654 | |
facilityName | 162724 | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | 165656 | |
location | TODO | |
country | 162604 | |
city | 165645 | |
locationPeriod | 162601, 162602 | |
visitedHealthcare | 165833 | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | 162633 | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | TODO | |
setting | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | TODO | |
submissionDate | TODO | |
symptomatic | TODO | |
symptomaticDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
status | 159640 | |
statusDate | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
result | TODO | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | TODO | |
countUnknown | TODO |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | TODO | |
report | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
testReason | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | TODO | |
onsetAge | TODO | |
birthSex | TODO | |
identified | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
subnational | TODO | |
residence | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | TODO | |
asymptomatic | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
wasIsolated | TODO | |
isolatedDate | TODO | |
comorbidities | TODO | |
any | TODO | |
present | TODO | |
pregnantTrimester | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | TODO | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
facilityName | TODO | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | TODO | |
location | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
locationPeriod | TODO | |
visitedHealthcare | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | TODO | |
setting | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | TODO | |
submissionDate | TODO | |
symptomatic | TODO | |
symptomaticDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
status | TODO | |
statusDate | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
result | TODO | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | TODO | |
countUnknown | TODO |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | TODO | |
report | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
testReason | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | TODO | |
onsetAge | TODO | |
birthSex | TODO | |
identified | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
subnational | TODO | |
residence | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | TODO | |
asymptomatic | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
wasIsolated | TODO | |
isolatedDate | TODO | |
comorbidities | TODO | |
any | TODO | |
present | TODO | |
pregnantTrimester | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | TODO | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
facilityName | TODO | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | TODO | |
location | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
locationPeriod | TODO | |
visitedHealthcare | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | TODO | |
setting | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | TODO | |
submissionDate | TODO | |
symptomatic | TODO | |
symptomaticDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
status | TODO | |
statusDate | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
result | TODO | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | TODO | |
countUnknown | TODO |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | TODO | |
report | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
testReason | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | TODO | |
birthSex | TODO | |
identified | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
subnational | TODO | |
residence | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | TODO | |
asymptomatic | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
wasIsolated | TODO | |
isolatedDate | TODO | |
comorbidities | TODO | |
any | TODO | |
present | TODO | |
pregnantTrimester | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | TODO | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
facilityName | TODO | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | TODO | |
location | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
locationPeriod | TODO | |
visitedHealthcare | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | TODO | |
setting | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | TODO | |
submissionDate | TODO | |
symptomatic | TODO | |
symptomaticDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
status | TODO | |
statusDate | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
result | TODO | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | TODO | |
countUnknown | TODO |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | TODO | |
report | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
testReason | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
caseId | TODO | |
onsetAge | TODO | |
birthSex | TODO | |
identified | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
subnational | TODO | |
residence | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
clinicalStatus | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
confirmedDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
onsetDate | TODO | |
asymptomatic | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
wasIsolated | TODO | |
isolatedDate | TODO | |
comorbidities | TODO | |
any | TODO | |
present | TODO | |
pregnantTrimester | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
patientInfo | TODO | |
hcw | TODO | |
isHealthcareWorker | TODO | |
workFacility | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
facilityName | TODO | |
travel | TODO | |
hasTravelled | TODO | |
location | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
city | TODO | |
locationPeriod | TODO | |
visitedHealthcare | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
hadContact | TODO | |
contact | TODO | |
identifier | TODO | |
exposure | TODO | |
period | TODO | |
setting | TODO | |
country | TODO | |
outcome | TODO | |
submitted | 308552006 | |
submissionDate | TODO | |
symptomatic | TODO | |
symptomaticDate | TODO | |
patientCourse | TODO | |
wasAdmitted | TODO | |
admitDate | TODO | |
receivedIcuCare | TODO | |
ventilated | TODO | |
receivedEcmo | TODO | |
status | TODO | |
statusDate | TODO | |
lab | TODO | |
date | TODO | |
result | TODO | |
contacts | TODO | |
count | TODO | |
countUnknown | TODO |
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | ||
WhoCrSurveillanceDataDictionary | n/a | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a |