The schema corresponding to this document is normative,with respect to the syntactic constraints it expresses in theXML Schema language. The documentation (within <documentation> elements)below, is not normative, but rather highlights important aspects ofthe W3C Recommendation of which this is a part
The simpleType element and all of its members are definedtowards the end of this schema document
simple type for the value of the 'namespace' attr of'any' and 'anyAttribute'
Value is ##any - - any non-conflicting WFXML/attribute at all ##other - - any non-conflicting WFXML/attribute from namespace other than targetNS ##local - - any unqualified non-conflicting WFXML/attribute one or - - any non-conflicting WFXML/attribute from more URI the listed namespaces references (space separated) ##targetNamespace or ##local may appear in the above list, to refer to the targetNamespace of the enclosing schema or an absent targetNamespace respectively
notations for use within XML Schema schemas
First the built-in primitive datatypes. These definitions are forinformation only, the real built-in definitions are magic.
For each built-in datatype in this schema (both primitive and derived) can be uniquely addressed via a URI constructed as follows: 1) the base URI is the URI of the XML Schema namespace 2) the fragment identifier is the name of the datatype For example, to address the int datatype, the URI is: Additionally, each facet definition element can be uniquely addressed via a URI constructed as follows: 1) the base URI is the URI of the XML Schema namespace 2) the fragment identifier is the name of the facet For example, to address the maxInclusive facet, the URI is: Additionally, each facet usage in a built-in datatype definition can be uniquely addressed via a URI constructed as follows: 1) the base URI is the URI of the XML Schema namespace 2) the fragment identifier is the name of the datatype, followed by a period (".") followed by the name of the facet For example, to address the usage of the maxInclusive facet in the definition of int, the URI is:
<xs:complexType name="anyType" mixed="true"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Not the real urType, but as close an approximation as we can get in the XML representation</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:sequence><xs:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/></xs:sequence><xs:anyAttribute processContents="lax"/></xs:complexType>
Simple Type xs:reducedDerivationControl
A utility type, not for public use
<xs:simpleType name="reducedDerivationControl"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>A utility type, not for public use</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:derivationControl"><xs:enumeration value="extension"/><xs:enumeration value="restriction"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>
<xs:simpleType name="derivationControl"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>A utility type, not for public use</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"><xs:enumeration value="substitution"/><xs:enumeration value="extension"/><xs:enumeration value="restriction"/><xs:enumeration value="list"/><xs:enumeration value="union"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>
Simple Type xs:typeDerivationControl
A utility type, not for public use
<xs:simpleType name="typeDerivationControl"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>A utility type, not for public use</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:derivationControl"><xs:enumeration value="extension"/><xs:enumeration value="restriction"/><xs:enumeration value="list"/><xs:enumeration value="union"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>
NOTATION cannot be used directly in a schema; rather a typemust be derived from it by specifying at least one enumerationfacet whose value is the name of a NOTATION declared in theschema.
<xs:simpleType name="NOTATION" id="NOTATION"><xs:annotation><xs:appinfo><hfp:hasFacet name="length"/><hfp:hasFacet name="minLength"/><hfp:hasFacet name="maxLength"/><hfp:hasFacet name="pattern"/><hfp:hasFacet name="enumeration"/><hfp:hasFacet name="whiteSpace"/><hfp:hasProperty name="ordered" value="false"/><hfp:hasProperty name="bounded" value="false"/><hfp:hasProperty name="cardinality" value="countably infinite"/><hfp:hasProperty name="numeric" value="false"/></xs:appinfo><xs:documentation source=""/><xs:documentation>NOTATION cannot be used directly in a schema; rather a type must be derived from it by specifying at least one enumeration facet whose value is the name of a NOTATION declared in the schema.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:anySimpleType"><xs:whiteSpace value="collapse" fixed="true" id="NOTATION.whiteSpace"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>
<xs:simpleType name="language" id="language"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation source=""/></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:token"><xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*" id="language.pattern"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation source="">pattern specifies the content of section 2.12 of XML 1.0e2 and RFC 3066 (Revised version of RFC 1766).</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:pattern></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>