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Getting started


The Instant OpenHIE architecture, codebase, and documentation are under active development and are subject to change. While we encourage adoption and extension of the Instant OpenHIE framework, we do not consider this ready for production use at this stage.


Instant OpenHIE is, by design, easily downloaded and run by anyone on any platform. It works on Linux, macOS and Windows.

To get started, install Docker, Docker Compose and Kubectl for Kubernetes support. Instant OpenHIE uses Docker Compose to manage all the necessary services and applications. The links below will help guide the set up on your platform.

For Windows and macOS:

For Linux-based operating systems:

Configuring Docker for Desktop (Windows and macOS only)#

Once Docker Desktop has been installed you will need to configure a few things. To do this click the docker icon in the task bar and select 'Dashboard'. Next, open the setting using the gear icon. Then, configure the following:

  1. Under 'Resources' increase memory to 4.00 GB
  2. Under 'Kubernetes' select 'Enable Kubernetes'
  3. Click Apply & Restart - this may take some time
  4. Once the above is done enter setting again and select 'Filesharing'. Next, add the C:\Users\<your_user>\.kube folder and select 'Apply & Restart'

Now, you are ready to continue.

Use the Interactive App (recommended)#

  1. Download the latest Instant OpenHIE executable from our GitHub releases page. Find the executable in the assets section of the latest release for your platform.

  2. Move the Instant OpenHIE download somewhere memorable. Open up the terminal (or Powershell in Windows) and run the executable to get the command-line interface:

  3. Use the arrow keys to navigate the interface and select "Use Docker on your PC" and thereafter choose between a default or custom installation.

More information on the default and custom installation options can be found here.

> All available packages are listed here in the sidebar under **Existing Packages**. Each package includes several services/applications. These will be expanded over time.
  1. Congratulations, you have successfully started up Instant OpenHIE. Follow the instructions on the web page to stop the services when you are done.

Advanced: Run the startup Scripts Directly (for automation and development)#

To start all the default Instant OpenHIE packages, select a deployment platform below.

Have a look at the existing packages on the sidebar to see what is currently available.


If you update the openhie/instant docker image to a new version you will need to remove the instant docker volume to see some of the updates as files are cached in this volume to allow sharing with other containers.

If you have the Instant OpenHIE codebase checked-out make sure you are in the main /instant directory.

  1. To start up the system, execute the following command:

    yarn docker:instant init -t docker
  2. To stop the running containers, execute the following:

    yarn docker:instant down -t docker
  3. Remove the containers with the command below. However, make sure you stop all the containers before trying to delete them.

    This action will also delete all volumes created by the containers.

    yarn docker:instant destroy -t docker

Each command also takes a list of package IDs to operate on. If this is left out then all packages are run by default.

If you do not have the code checked-out then you can still startup the environment with the correct command. You can find the docker commands to run in the scripts section of this file in the codebase. Add the action you would like to perform (init, up, down, destroy) to the end of that command.